Version: 5.6
public GUIElement HitTest (Vector3 screenPosition);


指定するスクリーン座標に GUI 要素があるか確認します

Returns the GUIElement at a specific point on screen. If screenPosition is inside some GUIElement, that element is returned. Returns null if the position is not inside any GUI element. GUI elements that belong to Ignore Raycast layer will be ignored, as if they would not exist.

screenPosition は Input.mousePosition プロパティーに返される値のようなスクリーン座標で測定されます。

Note: GUILayer.HitTest only finds old-school GUI components (made up of the classes GUIElement, GUITexture, GUIText, GUILayer), and will not work with the "new" one (referred to as "UnityGUI" and made up of all the other GUIAnything classes, and the OnGUI() call).
So if you're using UnityGUI, HitTest won't find anything.

See Also: GUIElement.HitTest, Input.mousePosition.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { private GUILayer test; void Update() { if (test.HitTest(Input.mousePosition) != null) Debug.Log(test.HitTest(Input.mousePosition).name); } void Example() { test = Camera.main.GetComponent<GUILayer>(); } }
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