Version: 5.6
public void Update (VR.WSA.SurfaceObserver.SurfaceChangedDelegate onSurfaceChanged);


onSurfaceChanged Callback called when SurfaceChanged events are detected.


Update generates SurfaceChanged events which are propagated through the specified callback. If no callback is specified, the system will throw an ArgumentNullException. Generated callbacks are synchronous with this call. Scenes containing multiple SurfaceObservers should consider using different callbacks so that events can be properly routed.

Update is a very expensive call. Its expense scales with the number of observable Surfaces. Thus, constraining your observation volume can help improve performance if you expect to call Update regularly. The engine provides the SpatialMapping.ObserverUpdate profiling tag to allow you to monitor spatial mapping performance.

void UpdateSurfaceObserver()
    // Update your surface observer to generate onSurfaceChanged callbacks
    // all Update callbacks are now complete

void SurfaceChangedHandler(SurfaceId id, SurfaceChange changeType, Bounds bounds, DateTime updateTime) { switch (changeType) { case SurfaceChange.Added: // handle Surface adds here break; case SurfaceChange.Updated: // handle Surface updates here break; case SurfaceChange.Removed: // handle Surface removal here break; } }
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