Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
public static void SetGlobalBuffer (string name, ComputeBuffer value);
public static void SetGlobalBuffer (int nameID, ComputeBuffer value);
public static void SetGlobalBuffer (string name, GraphicsBuffer value);
public static void SetGlobalBuffer (int nameID, GraphicsBuffer value);


nameID Shader.PropertyToID によって検索されるプロパティーの nameID
name プロパティーの名前
value The buffer to set.


Sets a global buffer property for all shaders.

Global properties are used if a shader needs them but the material does not have them defined (for example, if the shader does not expose them in Properties block).

See Also: SetGlobalTexture, ComputeBuffer class, GraphicsBuffer class, ShaderLab documentation.

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