Version: 2017.1
public void Draw (Rect position, bool isHover, bool isActive, bool on, bool hasKeyboardFocus);


Draw this GUIStyle on to the screen, internal version.

Draw plain GUIStyle without text nor image.

public void Draw (Rect position, string text, bool isHover, bool isActive, bool on, bool hasKeyboardFocus);


Draw the GUIStyle with a text string inside.

public void Draw (Rect position, Texture image, bool isHover, bool isActive, bool on, bool hasKeyboardFocus);


Draw the GUIStyle with an image inside. If the image is too large to fit within the content area of the style it is scaled down.

public void Draw (Rect position, GUIContent content, int controlID);
public void Draw (Rect position, GUIContent content, int controlID, bool on);
public void Draw (Rect position, GUIContent content, bool isHover, bool isActive, bool on, bool hasKeyboardFocus);


Draw the GUIStyle with text and an image inside. If the image is too large to fit within the content area of the style it is scaled down.

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