Version: 2017.1



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Specifies the type of the input text content.

The ContentType affects character validation, keyboard type used (on platforms with on-screen keyboards), whether the InputField accepts multiple lines, and whether the text is autocorrected (on platforms that offer input auto-correction) or is treated as a password where the characters are not shown directly.


StandardAllows all input.
AutocorrectedAllows all input and performs auto-correction on platforms that support it.
IntegerNumberAllow whole numbers (positive or negative).
DecimalNumberAllows decimal numbers (positive or negative).
AlphanumericAllows letters A-Z, a-z and numbers 0-9.
NameThe InputField is used for typing in a name, and enforces capitalization of the first letter of each word. Note that the user can circumvent the first letter capitalization rules by deleting automatically-capitalized letters.
EmailAddressThe input is used for typing in an email address.
PasswordAllows all input and hides the typed characters by showing them as asterisks characters.
PinAllows integer numbers and hides the typed characters by showing them as asterisks characters.
CustomCustom types that allows user-defined settings.
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