Version: 2017.3
public Color[] GetColorArray (string name);
public Color[] GetColorArray (int nameID);


nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
name The name of the property.


Get a named color array.

It is just an alias to GetVectorArray, only colors are cast to vectors. No sRGB-linear conversion is done during the function call.

See Also: SetColorArray, GetVectorArray.

public void GetColorArray (string name, List<Color> values);
public void GetColorArray (int nameID, List<Color> values);


nameID The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID.
name The name of the property.
values The list to hold the returned array.


Fetch a named color array into a list.

The list will be resized to the array size, or cleared if such property doesn't exist. Memory allocation is guaranteed not to happen during the function call.

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