Version: 2017.3
public int GetSprites (Sprite[] sprites);


sprites Array of Sprite that will be filled.


int The size of the returned array.


Clone all the Sprite in this atlas and fill them into the supplied array.

The clones will use the packed texture of this atlas. Using the action of SpriteAtlasManager.RequestAtlasCallback will not affect these clones.

The array will not be resized if it doesn't contain enough elements to be filled. Please use SpriteAtlas.spriteCount to determine the size for the array.

Due to the nature of the packing algorithm, Sprites in this list are sorted by their area size, in descending order.

public int GetSprites (Sprite[] sprites, string name);


sprites Array of Sprite that will be filled.
name The name of the Sprite.


Clone all the Sprite matching the name in this atlas and fill them into the supplied array.

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