public bool Resize (int width, int height, TextureFormat format, bool hasMipMap);


Resizes the texture.

Changes size of texture to width by height, format to textureFormat and optionally creates mip maps. After resizing, texture pixels will be undefined. This function is very similar to the texture constructor, except it works on existing texture object.

Call Apply to actually upload the changed pixels to the graphics card.

The texture has to have read/write enabled flag set in the texture import settings.

public bool Resize (int width, int height);


Resizes the texture.

Changes size of texture to width by height. After resizing, texture pixels will be undefined. This function is very similar to texture constructor, except it works on existing texture object.

Call Apply to actually upload the changed pixels to the graphics card.

The texture has to have Is Readable flag set in the import settings.

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