Version: 2020.3


class in UnityEngine


다음으로부터 상속:Renderer

매뉴얼로 전환


A component for masking Sprites and Particles.

By default it will mask all Sorting Layers. A custom range of Sorting Layers can be set. If a SortingGroup is present, it will act local to the SortingGroup.


alphaCutoffThe minimum alpha value used by the mask to select the area of influence defined over the mask's sprite.
backSortingLayerIDUnique ID of the sorting layer defining the end of the custom range.
backSortingOrderOrder within the back sorting layer defining the end of the custom range.
frontSortingLayerIDUnique ID of the sorting layer defining the start of the custom range.
frontSortingOrderOrder within the front sorting layer defining the start of the custom range.
isCustomRangeActiveMask sprites from front to back sorting values only.
spriteThe Sprite used to define the mask.
spriteSortPointDetermines the position of the Sprite used for sorting the SpriteMask.

상속된 멤버


gameObjectThe game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object.
tagThe tag of this game object.
transformThe Transform attached to this GameObject.
hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?
nameThe name of the object.
allowOcclusionWhenDynamicControls if dynamic occlusion culling should be performed for this renderer.
boundsThe bounding volume of the renderer (Read Only).
enabledMakes the rendered 3D object visible if enabled.
forceRenderingOffAllows turning off rendering for a specific component.
isPartOfStaticBatchHas this renderer been statically batched with any other renderers?
isVisibleIs this renderer visible in any camera? (Read Only)
lightmapIndexThe index of the baked lightmap applied to this renderer.
lightmapScaleOffsetThe UV scale & offset used for a lightmap.
lightProbeProxyVolumeOverrideIf set, the Renderer will use the Light Probe Proxy Volume component attached to the source GameObject.
lightProbeUsageThe light probe interpolation type.
localToWorldMatrixMatrix that transforms a point from local space into world space (Read Only).
materialReturns the first instantiated Material assigned to the renderer.
materialsReturns all the instantiated materials of this object.
motionVectorGenerationModeSpecifies the mode for motion vector rendering.
probeAnchorIf set, Renderer will use this Transform's position to find the light or reflection probe.
rayTracingModeDescribes how this renderer is updated for ray tracing.
realtimeLightmapIndexThe index of the realtime lightmap applied to this renderer.
realtimeLightmapScaleOffsetThe UV scale & offset used for a realtime lightmap.
receiveShadowsDoes this object receive shadows?
reflectionProbeUsageShould reflection probes be used for this Renderer?
rendererPriorityThis value sorts renderers by priority. Lower values are rendered first and higher values are rendered last.
renderingLayerMaskDetermines which rendering layer this renderer lives on.
shadowCastingModeDoes this object cast shadows?
sharedMaterialThe shared material of this object.
sharedMaterialsAll the shared materials of this object.
sortingLayerIDUnique ID of the Renderer's sorting layer.
sortingLayerNameName of the Renderer's sorting layer.
sortingOrderRenderer's order within a sorting layer.
worldToLocalMatrixMatrix that transforms a point from world space into local space (Read Only).

Public 함수

BroadcastMessageCalls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children.
CompareTagIs this game object tagged with tag ?
GetComponentReturns the component of Type type if the GameObject has one attached, null if it doesn't. Will also return disabled components.
GetComponentInChildrenReturns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search.
GetComponentInParentReturns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents.
GetComponentsReturns all components of Type type in the GameObject.
GetComponentsInChildrenReturns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children. Works recursively.
GetComponentsInParentReturns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents.
SendMessageCalls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object.
SendMessageUpwardsCalls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the behaviour.
TryGetComponentGets the component of the specified type, if it exists.
GetInstanceIDReturns the instance id of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the object.
GetClosestReflectionProbesReturns an array of closest reflection probes with weights, weight shows how much influence the probe has on the renderer, this value is also used when blending between reflection probes occur.
GetMaterialsReturns all the instantiated materials of this object.
GetPropertyBlockGet per-Renderer or per-Material property block.
GetSharedMaterialsReturns all the shared materials of this object.
HasPropertyBlockReturns true if the Renderer has a material property block attached via SetPropertyBlock.
SetPropertyBlockLets you set or clear per-renderer or per-material parameter overrides.

정적 함수

DestroyRemoves a GameObject, component or asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadDo not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene.
FindObjectOfTypeReturns the first active loaded object of Type type.
FindObjectsOfTypeGets a list of all loaded objects of Type type.
InstantiateClones the object original and returns the clone.


boolDoes the object exist?
operator !=Compares if two objects refer to a different object.
operator ==Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object.


OnBecameInvisible OnBecameInvisible is called when the object is no longer visible by any camera.
OnBecameVisible OnBecameVisible is called when the object became visible by any camera.
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