
매뉴얼로 전환
public void GetItemMergedSamplesColumnDataAsFloats (int id, int column, List<float> outValues);


idHierarchy item identifier.
columnColumn identifier.
outValuesThe merged samples for the specified hierarchy item, returned as a list of floats. This list is resized if necessary.


Retrieves the merged samples for a specific hierarchy item. Merged samples are returned as a list of floats through the outValues param.

When HierarchyFrameDataView uses ViewMode.MergeSamplesWithTheSameName mode, samples with the same name, and at the same hierarchy level, are merged and represented by a single item. In this case, GetItemColumnData represents an aggregated value.
Use GetItemMergedSamplesColumnData to obtain float values for individual samples in a merged hierarchy.
The resulting list of floats is written to outValues. This list is resized if necessary.

See Also: GetItemColumnData, GetItemMergedSamplesCount, GetItemMergedSamplesColumnData.

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