Version: 2020.2
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEngine

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Script interface for ForceOverLifetimeModule.

Use this module to apply forces to particles. The system applies forces to the particle velocities on each frame.

See Also: ParticleSystem, ParticleSystem.forceOverLifetime.


enabledSpecifies whether the ForceOverLifetimeModule is enabled or disabled.
randomizedWhen randomly selecting values between two curves or constants, this flag causes the system to choose a new random force on each frame.
spaceSpecifies whether the modules applies the forces in local or world space.
xThe curve that defines particle forces in the x-axis.
xMultiplierDefines the x-axis multiplier.
yThe curve defining particle forces in the y-axis.
yMultiplierDefines the y-axis multiplier.
zThe curve defining particle forces in the z-axis.
zMultiplierDefines the z-axis multiplier.
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