Version: 2020.2
언어: 한국어



매뉴얼로 전환


Specifies the operation that's performed on the stencil buffer when rendering.


KeepKeeps the current stencil value.
ZeroSets the stencil buffer value to zero.
ReplaceReplace the stencil buffer value with reference value (specified in the shader).
IncrementSaturateIncrements the current stencil buffer value. Clamps to the maximum representable unsigned value.
DecrementSaturateDecrements the current stencil buffer value. Clamps to 0.
InvertBitwise inverts the current stencil buffer value.
IncrementWrapIncrements the current stencil buffer value. Wraps stencil buffer value to zero when incrementing the maximum representable unsigned value.
DecrementWrapDecrements the current stencil buffer value. Wraps stencil buffer value to the maximum representable unsigned value when decrementing a stencil buffer value of zero.
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