Version: 2021.1
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEngine

매뉴얼로 전환


Script interface for EmissionModule.

The EmissionModule provides control over how many particles that the system has emitted.

See Also: ParticleSystem, ParticleSystem.emission.


burstCountThe current number of bursts.
enabledSpecifies whether the EmissionModule is enabled or disabled.
rateOverDistanceThe rate at which the emitter spawns new particles over distance.
rateOverDistanceMultiplierChange the rate over distance multiplier.
rateOverTimeThe rate at which the emitter spawns new particles over time.
rateOverTimeMultiplierChange the rate over time multiplier.

Public 함수

GetBurstGets a single burst from the array of bursts.
GetBurstsGets the burst array.
SetBurstSets a single burst in the array of bursts.
SetBurstsSets the burst array.
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