Version: 2021.2
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public int GetFrameMetaDataCount (Guid id, int tag);


id Project or package identifier.
tag Data stream index.


int Returns count of metadata chunks.


Gets the total number of metadata chunks for each id and tag pair in the frame.

Use the GetSessionMetaDataCount method to retrieve the total number of metadata arrays available in this session.

When there are multiple Profiler.EmitFrameMetaData calls in the same frame, it results in multiple metadata arrays that are associated with the frame for a given id, tag pair. This information can be used to write data to the stream in small portions, which reduces the amount of memory needed to hold generated data.

Use id to identify the metadata from your project or package.
Use tag to distinguish between different data streams.

See Also: GetFrameMetaData, Profiler.EmitFrameMetaData.

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