Version: 2021.2
언어: 한국어



매뉴얼로 전환


An enumeration that defines task priorities.

Progress indicators are sorted by priority, from highest to lowest. Priorities also determine the visual behavior of progress indicators. Each item in this enumeration defines the threshold value for each priority level. For example, Low is 2 and Normal is 6, so values between 2 and 5 are Low priorities.


UnresponsiveAn unresponsive task is always shown as unresponsive.
IdleAn idle priority task cannot be unresponsive, and is not displayed in the global progress bar.
LowA low priority task cannot be unresponsive, but is displayed in the global progress bar.
NormalA normal priority task can be unresponsive, and is displayed in the global progress bar.
HighA high priority task can be unresponsive, and is displayed in the global progress bar.
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