Version: 2021.2
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public static bool SetManagedReferenceIdForObject (Object obj, object scriptObj, long refId);


Assigns a managed reference Id to an object that is referenced using SerializeReference.

Provides a way to specify a managed reference Id for an object that is referenced from a MonoBehaviour, ScriptableObject or another "host" class that supports SerializeReference.

This applies to a referenced object that is assigned to a field that is decorated with SerializeReference. After being assigned, the Id persists as a permanent local identifier for the object so long as the object is referenced by the host. It will be retained even when the host object is unloaded and reloaded. In normal usage it isn't necessary to call this API because, by default, Unity automatically generates a unique and unchanging Id when the object is first serialized.

This method should be called between the time the referenced object is created and the next serialization of the host object that references it. If the object is not referenced when the host object is next serialized then Unity prunes the object and discards its assigned Id. An object is "referenced" if it is directly assigned to at least one field of the host object, or is referenced indirectly via fields on other referenced objects. The managed reference Id value must be a positive number, e.g. between 0 and Int64.MaxValue. The managed reference Id cannot be used by another object on the same host. However Ids can be reused between hosts.

See Also: GetManagedReferenceIdForObject, GetManagedReference, SerializeReference, SerializedProperty.managedReferenceId.

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