Version: 2021.3
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public static void UnloadAllAssetBundles (bool unloadAllObjects);


unloadAllObjects Determines whether the current instances of objects loaded from AssetBundles will also be unloaded.


Unloads all currently loaded AssetBundles.

When unloadAllObjects is false, compressed file data inside the currently loaded bundles will be freed, but any instances of objects loaded from the bundles will remain intact.

When unloadAllObjects is true, all objects that were loaded from the currently loaded bundles will be destroyed as well. If there are GameObjects in your Scene referencing those assets, the references to them will become missing.

In either case you won't be able to load any more objects from the currently loaded bundles unless they are reloaded.

See Building AssetBundles for a description of the different compression formats used and their impact on memory while loaded.

See Also: AssetBundle.Unload.

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