Version: 2021.3
언어: 한국어
public void SetPixels (Color[] colors, CubemapFace face, int arrayElement, int miplevel);
public void SetPixels (Color[] colors, CubemapFace face, int arrayElement);


colors An array of pixel colors.
face Cubemap face to set pixels for.
arrayElement Array element index to set pixels for.
miplevel Mipmap level to set pixels for.


Set pixel colors for a single array slice/face.

This function takes a color array and changes the pixel colors of the whole mip level of a single cubemap face. Call Apply to actually upload the changed pixels to the graphics card.

SetPixels throws an exception when it fails.

See Also: SetPixels32, SetPixelData, GetPixels, Texture2D.SetPixels, Graphics.CopyTexture.

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