Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어



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Values that indicate the status of an Android asset pack.

Unity always returns the status value and the error together in AndroidAssetPackInfo or AndroidAssetPackState objects. Unity returns these objects via callback methods after you call either AndroidAssetPacks.DownloadAssetPackAsync or AndroidAssetPacks.GetAssetPackStateAsync. When the status value is AndroidAssetPackStatus.Failed or AndroidAssetPackStatus.Unknown, the error value indicates the cause of the failure. For any other status value, the error value should always be AndroidAssetPackError.NoError. This enum directly wraps the AssetPackStatus values in the PlayCore API. See Also: AndroidAssetPackInfo, AndroidAssetPacks.DownloadAssetPackAsync, AndroidAssetPacks.GetAssetPackStateAsync, AndroidAssetPackState.


UnknownIndicates that the Android asset pack is not available for the application.
PendingIndicates that the Android asset pack status should soon change.
DownloadingIndicates that the device is downloading the Android asset pack.
TransferringIndicates that the device has downloaded the Android asset pack and is unpacking the asset pack to its final location.
CompletedIndicates that the device has downloaded the Android asset pack and the asset pack is available to the application.
FailedIndicates that the device failed to download the Android asset pack.
CanceledIndicates that the Android asset pack download is canceled.
WaitingForWifiIndicates that the device has paused the Android asset pack download until it connects to the WiFi network.
NotInstalledIndicates that the Android asset pack is not installed.
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