Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public static bool HasPrefabInstanceAnyOverrides (GameObject instanceRoot, bool includeDefaultOverrides);


instanceRoot The root GameObject of the Prefab instance to check.
includeDefaultOverrides Set to true to consider default overrides as overrides too.


bool Returns true if there are any overrides.


Returns true if the given Prefab instance has any overrides.

This method is the quickest way to check if a Prefab instance has any overrides, when not needing to know what those overrides are.

The includeDefaultOverrides parameter should normally be set to false, except for debugging purposes. If set to true, the method will normally return true for all Prefabs instances, since all Prefab instances have default overrides for the root position and rotation, among others.

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