Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어
public void DispatchCompute (ComputeShader computeShader, int kernelIndex, int threadGroupsX, int threadGroupsY, int threadGroupsZ);
public void DispatchCompute (ComputeShader computeShader, int kernelIndex, ComputeBuffer indirectBuffer, uint argsOffset);
public void DispatchCompute (ComputeShader computeShader, int kernelIndex, GraphicsBuffer indirectBuffer, uint argsOffset);


computeShader ComputeShader to execute.
kernelIndex Kernel index to execute, see ComputeShader.FindKernel.
threadGroupsX Number of work groups in the X dimension.
threadGroupsY Number of work groups in the Y dimension.
threadGroupsZ Number of work groups in the Z dimension.
indirectBuffer ComputeBuffer with dispatch arguments.
argsOffset Byte offset indicating the location of the dispatch arguments in the buffer.


Add a command to execute a ComputeShader.

When the command buffer executes, a compute shader kernel is dispatched, with work group size either specified directly (see ComputeShader.Dispatch) or read from the GPU buffer (see ComputeShader.DispatchIndirect).

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