Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어

SystemInfo.GetCompatibleFormat(Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat, Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage)

매뉴얼로 전환


Format The GraphicsFormat format to look up.
Usage The FormatUsage usage to look up.


void Returns a format supported by the platform. If no equivalent or compatible format is supported, the function returns GraphicsFormat.None.


Returns a format supported by the platform for the specified usage.

If the platform supports the specified format for the usage, this method returns the input format. Otherwise, the method searches for a supported format with similar properties to the input format. If the platform doesn't support any similar format, the method returns a fallback format. For example, if the input format is a compressed format that isn't supported, the function returns an uncompressed equivalent format. If the platform doesn't support any equivalent or compatible fallback formats, this method returns GraphicsFormat.None.

See Also: GraphicsFormat enum and FormatUsage

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