Version: 2022.2
언어: 한국어
public bool SelectObject (SearchService.ISearchContext context, Action<Object,bool> onObjectSelectorClosed, Action<Object> onObjectSelectedUpdated);


context The search context.
onObjectSelectorClosed Callback to call when the selector window is closed. The callback takes two arguments. The first argument is the selected object, or null for none. The second is a boolean that indicates whether the operation was cancelled or not.
onObjectSelectedUpdated Callback to call when the selection in the window changes. This callback takes one argument: the selected object, or null for none.


bool True if the search engine handles the object select operation, false otherwise. If false is returned, the default object selector is used instead.


This function is called when a window must be opened to perform a search and select operation.

If the function returns false, the default selector is used instead.

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