Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public static void ConvertToPrefabInstance (GameObject plainGameObject, GameObject prefabAssetRoot, ConvertToPrefabInstanceSettings settings, InteractionMode mode);


plainGameObject The GameObject that will be converted to a Prefab instance.
prefabAssetRoot The Prefab Asset used to create the Prefab instance from.
settings Settings to control the conversion.
mode Using UserAction will record undo and show dialogs if needed.


Convert the plain GameObject to a Prefab instance using the provided Prefab Asset root object.

This function will keep the root GameObject position, rotation and scale in the Scene but merge the contents from the new Prefab Asset. When using ObjectMatchMode.ByName object matching is performed. When a match is found references to this object will survive the conversion. Note that matching cannot be performed for GameObjects with duplicate names in each of the input GameObject hierarchies.

See Also: ConvertToPrefabInstances, ReplacePrefabAssetOfPrefabInstance.

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