Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어
public static void GetValues (NativeArray<BoundProperty> boundProperties, NativeArray<float> values);
public static void GetValues (NativeArray<BoundProperty> boundProperties, NativeArray<int> values);


boundProperties The list of BoundProperty to get the values from.
values Returns the list of float or integer values.


Retrieves the float or integer value for each [[BoundProperty].

This method throws an ArgumentException if the NativeArray is not yet created.

This method throws an ArgumentException if the values list does not match the length of the boundProperties list.

public static void GetValues (NativeArray<BoundProperty> boundProperties, NativeArray<int> indices, NativeArray<float> values);
public static void GetValues (NativeArray<BoundProperty> boundProperties, NativeArray<int> indices, NativeArray<int> values);


boundProperties The list of BoundProperty to get the values from.
indices The list of indices where each BoundProperty value will be written.
values Returns the list of float or integer values.


Retrieves the float or integer value for each [[BoundProperty] and writes the value at a different index specified by the indices list.

This method throws an ArgumentException if the NativeArray is not yet created.

This method throws an ArgumentException if the indices list does not match the length of the boundProperties list.

This method throws an IndexOutOfRangeException if an index in the indices list is out of range.

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