Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public static PackageManager.Requests.ResetToEditorDefaultsRequest ResetToEditorDefaults ();


ResetToEditorDefaultsRequest A ResetToEditorDefaultsRequest instance, which you can use to get the success or failure of the ResetToEditorDefaults operation.


Resets the list of packages installed for this project to the editor's default configuration. This operation clears all packages added to the project and keeps only the packages set for the current editor's default configuration.

ResetToEditorDefaults() is an asynchronous operation. Before the operation is complete, you can use the ResetToEditorDefaultsRequest instance to monitor the asynchronous operation.

Note: Make sure any other Client operations have completed before calling this method. For more information, see the note on the Client class reference page.

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