Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어
public Color[] GetPixels (int arrayElement, int miplevel);
public Color[] GetPixels (int arrayElement);


arrayElement The array slice to read pixel data from.
miplevel The mipmap level to get. The range is 0 through the texture's Texture.mipmapCount. The default value is 0.


Color[] An array that contains the pixel colors.


Gets the pixel color data for a mipmap level of a slice as Color structs.

This method gets pixel data from the texture in CPU memory. Texture.isReadable must be true.

The array contains the pixels row by row, starting at the bottom left of the texture. The size of the array is the width × height of the mipmap level.

Each pixel is a Color struct. GetPixels might be slower than some other texture methods because it converts the format the texture uses into Color. GetPixels also needs to decompress compressed textures, and use memory to store the decompressed area. To get pixel data more quickly, use GetPixelData instead.

If GetPixels fails, Unity throws an exception. GetPixels might fail if the array contains too much data. Use GetPixelData instead for very large textures.

You can't use GetPixel with textures that use Crunch texture compression. Use GetPixels32 instead.

using UnityEngine;

public class Texture2DArrayExample : MonoBehaviour { public Texture2DArray source; public Texture2DArray destination;

void Start() { // Get a copy of the color data from the source Texture2DArray, in high-precision float format. // Each element in the array represents the color data for an individual pixel. int sourceSlice = 0; int sourceMipLevel = 0; Color[] pixels = source.GetPixels(sourceSlice, sourceMipLevel);

// If required, manipulate the pixels before applying them to the destination Texture2DArray. // This example code reverses the array, which rotates the image 180 degrees. System.Array.Reverse(pixels, 0, pixels.Length);

// Set the pixels of the destination Texture2DArray. int destinationSlice = 0; int destinationMipLevel = 0; destination.SetPixels(pixels, destinationSlice, destinationMipLevel);

// Apply changes to the destination Texture2DArray, which uploads its data to the GPU. destination.Apply(); } }
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