Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어
public static AI.NavMeshLinkInstance AddLink (AI.NavMeshLinkData link);


link Object that describes the properties of the link.


NavMeshLinkInstance Object that identifies the added link.


Adds a link to the NavMesh. The link is described by the NavMeshLinkData struct.

Returns an instance identifier for the added link.

The returned instance is valid if the link was successfully added. The instance can be used to later remove the link using RemoveLink().

Note: If the area is set to Not Walkable, or if adding a link would exceed the maximum number of active links (65535) the link will fail to be added – and the valid property will be false.

See Also: RemoveLink.

public static AI.NavMeshLinkInstance AddLink (AI.NavMeshLinkData link, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation);


link Object that describes the properties of the link.
position Translate the link to this position.
rotation Rotate the link to this orientation.


NavMeshLinkInstance Object that identifies the added link.


Adds a link to the NavMesh. The link is described by the NavMeshLinkData struct.

Returns an instance identifier for the added link.

This function is similar to AddLink above, but the position and rotation specified is applied to the start and end positions of the link. The rotation also specifies the local up-axis of the link.

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