Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public static LightProbes GetInstantiatedLightProbesForScene (SceneManagement.Scene scene);


scene The scene to get the shared light probe data for.


LightProbes The cloned light probe data for the scene.


Gets an instantiated clone of the LightProbes object for a specific scene.

If you modify the LightProbes object returned by this method, you will only affect the lighting of scene. Modifications will not affect assets.

Note: This function automatically instantiates the LightProbes object and makes it unique to the passed scene. You need to destroy the LightProbes object when it's no longer needed. You can also use Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets to destroy a LightProbes object, which will be called automatically when you switch to a new scene.

See Also: LightProbes.GetSharedLightProbesForScene.

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