Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEditor

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WebGL specific player settings.

정적 변수

closeOnQuitIf enabled, the Unity Player will close the browser running it when the application quits.
compressionFormatCompressionFormat defines the compression type that the WebGL resources are encoded to.
dataCachingEnables automatic caching of unityweb files.
debugSymbolModeEnables generation of debug symbols file in the build output directory. Supported options: embedded debug symbols and debug symbols in external file.
decompressionFallbackInclude decompression fallback code for build files in the loader.
exceptionSupportException support for WebGL builds.
geometricMemoryGrowthStepHeap memory growth factor.
initialMemorySizeInitial size of the WASM heap memory in MB.
linearMemoryGrowthStepHeap memory growth step in MB.
linkerTargetAllows you to specify the web build format that is used when you build your project.
maximumMemorySizeMaximum size of the WASM heap memory in MB.
memoryGeometricGrowthCapUpper limit for heap growth step in MB.
memoryGrowthModeThe growth mode for WASM heap memory.
memorySizeMemory size for WebGL builds in Megabyte.
nameFilesAsHashesEnables using MD5 hash of the uncompressed file contents as a filename for each file in the build.
powerPreferenceThe power preference hint to provide to the WebGL context to help decide which GPU to use in multi-gpu systems. Note that this is just a hint, and some WebGL implementations may choose to ignore it.
showDiagnosticsDisplays a diagnostics overlay on the Unity application page.
templatePath to the WebGL template asset.
threadsSupportMultithreading support in WebGL.
wasmArithmeticExceptionsThe trapping mode for WebAssembly code.
webAssemblyBigIntIf enabled, generated WebAssembly code will rely on the BigInt ABI for function signatures containing 64-bit variables. Enable this to achieve faster build times and slightly smaller code size. The Wasm BigInt feature requires at least Chrome 85 (Aug 25, 2020), Firefox 78 (Jun 30, 2020), Safari 14.5 (Apr 26, 2021), or newer. Disable this option to target older browsers that do not support the Wasm BigInt feature. It is recommended to enable this option for new projects and if you prefer fast build iteration times, and to disable it if targeting backward compatibility with older browsers is important.
webAssemblyTableIf enabled, targets the WebAssembly.Table language feature, which results in faster JS-Wasm interop and faster build times. If disabled, targets the old deprecated Emscripten -sDYNCALLS model for backwards compatibility with older Unity WebGL JS plugins. It is recommended to enable this option for new projects that do not utilize any older incompatible JavaScript plugins, and when fast build iteration times are desired, and to disable it if utilizing .jslib files that rely on the older dynCall() mechanism.
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