Version: 5.6
public bool FindClosestEdge (out AI.NavMeshHit hit);


hit Holds the properties of the resulting location.


bool True if a nearest edge is found.


Locate the closest NavMesh edge.

The returned NavMeshHit object contains the position and details of the nearest point on the nearest edge of the Navmesh. Since an edge typically corresponds to a wall or other large object, this could be used to make a character take cover as close to the wall as possible.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { private AI.NavMeshAgent agent; void Start() { agent = GetComponent<AI.NavMeshAgent>(); } void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) TakeCover(); } void TakeCover() { AI.NavMeshHit hit; if (agent.FindClosestEdge(out hit)) agent.SetDestination(hit.position); } }
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