Version: 5.6


class in UnityEngine

매뉴얼로 전환


Utility class containing helper methods for working with RectTransform.

정적 함수

FlipLayoutAxesFlips the horizontal and vertical axes of the RectTransform size and alignment, and optionally its children as well.
FlipLayoutOnAxisFlips the alignment of the RectTransform along the horizontal or vertical axis, and optionally its children as well.
PixelAdjustPointConvert a given point in screen space into a pixel correct point.
PixelAdjustRectGiven a rect transform, return the corner points in pixel accurate coordinates.
RectangleContainsScreenPointDoes the RectTransform contain the screen point as seen from the given camera?
ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangleTransform a screen space point to a position in the local space of a RectTransform that is on the plane of its rectangle.
ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangleTransform a screen space point to a position in world space that is on the plane of the given RectTransform.
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