Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public void SetLookAtWeight (float weight);
public void SetLookAtWeight (float weight, float bodyWeight);
public void SetLookAtWeight (float weight, float bodyWeight, float headWeight);
public void SetLookAtWeight (float weight, float bodyWeight, float headWeight, float eyesWeight);
public void SetLookAtWeight (float weight, float bodyWeight= 0.0f, float headWeight= 1.0f, float eyesWeight= 0.0f, float clampWeight= 0.5f);


weight (0-1) the global weight of the LookAt, multiplier for other parameters.
bodyWeight (0-1) determines how much the body is involved in the LookAt.
headWeight (0-1) determines how much the head is involved in the LookAt.
eyesWeight (0-1) determines how much the eyes are involved in the LookAt.
clampWeight (0-1) 0.0 means the character is unrestrained in motion. 1.0 means the character is clamped (look at becomes impossible). 0.5 means the character is able to move on half of the possible range (180 degrees).


Set look at weights.

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