Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public ArticulationReducedSpace GetJointForcesForAcceleration (ArticulationReducedSpace acceleration);


acceleration The desired acceleration in reduced space.


ArticulationReducedSpace The forces needed for the body to reach the desired acceleration in reduced space.


Returns the forces required for the body to reach the provided acceleration in reduced space.

The number of DOF in the provided acceleration must match the DOF count of the inbound joint. The calculation does not consider gravity and therefore gravity must be counteracted with ArticulationBody.GetJointGravityForces. ArticulationDrives and potential damping terms are not considered in the computation (for example, linear/angular damping or joint friction).
The returned forces can then be applied with ArticulationBody.jointForce.

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