Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어



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Which naming scheme to use for duplicated GameObjects.

When a GameObject is duplicated or instantiated, Unity copies the original GameObject's name and appends it with successive numbers. Unity supports several naming schemes, with the default being EditorSettings.NamingScheme.SpaceParenthesis. For example, when a GameObject named "Prefab" its duplicated or instantiated, Unity names it "Prefab (1)", and then "Prefab (2)" if it is duplicated or instantiated again.

See Also: EditorSettings.gameObjectNamingScheme, EditorSettings.gameObjectNamingDigits.


SpaceParenthesisAdds a space and a number in parenthesis to the name of an instantiated or duplicated GameObject ("Prefab (1)").
DotAdds a dot followed by a number to the name of an instantiated or duplicated GameObject ("Prefab.1").
UnderscoreAdds an underscore and a number to the name of an instantiated or duplicated GameObject ("Prefab_1").
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