Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public GraphicsBuffer (GraphicsBuffer.Target target, GraphicsBuffer.UsageFlags usageFlags, int count, int stride);


target Specify how this buffer can be used within the graphics pipeline.
usageFlags Select what kind of update mode the buffer will have.
count Number of elements in the buffer.
stride Size of one element in the buffer. For index buffers, this must be either 2 or 4 bytes.


Create a Graphics Buffer.

Use Release to release the buffer when no longer needed.

If the buffer size exceeds the value in SystemInfo.maxGraphicsBufferSize, the constructor raises an exception.

See Also: Graphics.RenderPrimitives.

public GraphicsBuffer (GraphicsBuffer.Target target, int count, int stride);


target Specify how this buffer can be used within the graphics pipeline.
count Number of elements in the buffer.
stride Size of one element in the buffer. For index buffers, this must be either 2 or 4 bytes.


Create a Graphics Buffer.

Use Release to release the buffer when no longer needed.

If the buffer size exceeds the value in SystemInfo.maxGraphicsBufferSize, the constructor raises an exception.

See Also: Graphics.RenderPrimitives.

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