Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public void ApplyPropertyOverride (Material destination, string name, bool recordUndo);
public void ApplyPropertyOverride (Material destination, int nameID, bool recordUndo);


destination The Material to which the Editor applies the override.
nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.
name Property name, e.g. "_SrcBlend".
recordUndo Wheter the editor should record an undo operation for this action.


Applies an override associated with a Material Variant to a target.

Sets the value of a property of this Material on a destination Material. The destination material must be an ancestor of this Material. After you apply an override, the Editor no longer marks the associated Property as overriden, and discards any change of the property on ancestors of this Material up to the destination Material. Note that this method is Editor-only.

See Also: Material.IsChildOf, Material.IsPropertyOverriden, Material.RevertPropertyOverride.

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