Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어


매뉴얼로 전환
public UnityWebRequest ();
public UnityWebRequest (string url);
public UnityWebRequest (Uri uri);
public UnityWebRequest (string url, string method);
public UnityWebRequest (Uri uri, string method);
public UnityWebRequest (string url, string method, Networking.DownloadHandler downloadHandler, Networking.UploadHandler uploadHandler);
public UnityWebRequest (Uri uri, string method, Networking.DownloadHandler downloadHandler, Networking.UploadHandler uploadHandler);


url The target URL with which this UnityWebRequest will communicate. Also accessible via the url property.
uri The target URI to which form data will be transmitted.
method HTTP GET, POST, etc. methods.
downloadHandler Replies from the server.
uploadHandler Upload data to the server.


Creates a UnityWebRequest with the default options and no attached DownloadHandler or UploadHandler. Default method is GET.

The raw constructor is useful for use cases which require detailed custom configuration of a UnityWebRequest. Most use cases will require the attachment of a DownloadHandler, an UploadHandler or both in order to function propertly.

See Also: Get, GetTexture, GetAudioClip, GetAssetBundle, Head, Post, Put, Delete.

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