Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어


struct in UnityEditor

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Represents the results of compiling a variant using ShaderData.Pass.CompileVariant.


AttributesVertex attributes the compiled variant uses (Read Only).
ConstantBuffersConstant buffers the compiled variant uses (Read Only). Some platforms don't have constant buffers; however, Unity reports all global constants/uniforms in a single constant buffer.
MessagesStores errors and warnings produced during compilation (Read Only).
ShaderDataStores the raw platform-specific bytecode for the compiled shader (Read Only).
SuccessIndicates whether the variant compilation succeeded (Read Only). If it did, it is true. Otherwise, this is false and ShaderData.VariantCompileInfo.Messages contains the errors.
TextureBindingsTexture bindings the compiled variant uses (Read Only).
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