Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어
public void AddRelativeTorque (Vector3 torque, ForceMode mode= ForceMode.Force);


torque The torque vector in local coordinates.
mode The type of torque to apply.


Applies a torque to the articulation body, relative to its local coordinate system.

You can only apply a torque to an active ArticulationBody. If a GameObject is inactive, AddRelativeTorque has no effect.

ForceMode.Force and ForceMode.Acceleration modes modify the Angular Velocity Per Second accumulator and ForceMode.Impulse and ForceMode.VelocityChange modify the Angular Velocity Per Step accumulator. Mixing these 2 groups of ForceModes doesn't work for Articulation Bodies and will result in only the Angular Velocity Per Second accumulator being applied.

For more information on how ForceMode affects angular velocity, see Rigidbody.AddTorque.

Applying a torque to an ArticulationBody wakes up that body. If the torque size is zero then the ArticulationBody does not wake up.
Unit of measurement - Nm (newton-meters).

See Also: AddTorque, AddRelativeForce.

// Rotate an object around its Y (upward) axis in response to
// left/right controls.

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public float torque; public ArticulationBody ab;

void Start() { ab = GetComponent<ArticulationBody>(); }

void FixedUpdate() { float turn = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); ab.AddRelativeTorque(Vector3.up * torque * turn); } }
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