Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어
public AssetBundleRequest LoadAssetAsync (string name);


Asynchronously loads asset with name from the bundle.

Prior to version 5.0, users could fetch individual components directly using LoadAsync. This is not supported anymore. Instead, please use LoadAssetAsync to load the game object first and then look up the component on the object.

See Also: AssetBundleRequest.

public AssetBundleRequest LoadAssetAsync (string name);


Asynchronously loads asset with name of a given T from the bundle.

Prior to version 5.0, users could fetch individual components directly using LoadAsync. This is not supported anymore. Instead, please use LoadAssetAsync to load the game object first and then look up the component on the object.

See Also: AssetBundleRequest.

public AssetBundleRequest LoadAssetAsync (string name, Type type);


Asynchronously loads asset with name of a given type from the bundle.

Prior to version 5.0, users could fetch individual components directly using LoadAsync. This is not supported anymore. Instead, please use LoadAssetAsync to load the game object first and then look up the component on the object.

See Also: AssetBundleRequest.

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