Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어
public static PlatformIcon[] GetPlatformIcons (Build.NamedBuildTarget buildTarget, PlatformIconKind kind);


buildTarget The NamedBuildTarget.
kind Each platform supports a different set of icon kinds. These can be found in the specific platform namespace (for example iOSPlatformIconKind.


Gets the list of available icon slots for the specified build target and kind.

If you use PlayerSettings.SetPlatformIcons to set icons, Unity needs to retrieve each icon's build target and icon kind."

public static PlatformIcon[] GetPlatformIcons (BuildTargetGroup platform, PlatformIconKind kind);


platform The full list of platforms that support this API and the supported icon kinds can be found in icon kinds.
kind Each platform supports a different set of icon kinds. These can be found in the specific platform namespace (for example iOSPlatformIconKind).


BuildTargetGroup is marked for deprecation in the future. Use NamedBuildTarget instead.

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