Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEditor.SceneManagement


다음으로부터 상속:SceneManagement.PrefabOverride

매뉴얼로 전환


Class with information about a GameObject that has been removed from a Prefab instance.


assetGameObjectThe GameObject in the Prefab Asset that has been removed in the Prefab instance.
parentOfRemovedGameObjectInInstanceThe parent of the removed GameObject in the instance.

Public 함수

ApplySee: PrefabOverride.Apply.
GetAssetObjectSee PrefabOverride.GetAssetObject.
RevertRestore the removed GameObject to the Prefab instance. See PrefabOverride.Revert.

상속된 멤버

보호되는 함수

FindApplyTargetAssetObjectFinds the object in the Prefab Asset at the given path which will be applied to.
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