Version: 2017.1
public bool IsFilteringDepth (GameObject obj);


obj The GameObject used to check the z-position (depth) of Transform.position.


bool Returns true when obj is excluded by the filter and false if otherwise.


Checks if the Transform for obj is within the depth range to be filtered.

Filtering is defined as including or excluding objects based upon a specific condition. Depth filtering checks the z-position of a GameObject Transform.position and includes it when it is within the depth range and excludes it if otherwise. IsFilteringDepth returns true when useDepth is set to true and the obj transform's z-position is outside the depth defined by minDepth and maxDepth. This indicates the obj is filtered which means it should be excluded. IsFilteringDepth returns false if otherwise. Note:: Setting useOutsideDepth to true inverts the function behavior and it returns opposite results. See Also: useDepth, ::ref:minDepth & maxDepth.

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