Version: 2017.1


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public bool ReconnectPlayerForConnection (Networking.NetworkConnection newConnection, GameObject oldPlayer, int oldConnectionId, short playerControllerId);


newConnection The connection of the new client.
oldPlayer The player object.
oldConnectionId This client's connectionId on the old host.
playerControllerId The playerControllerId of the player that is rejoining.


bool True if able to re-add this player.


This re-establishes a player object with a client that is reconnected. It is similar to NetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(). The player game object will become the player object for the new connection.

This is called by the default implementation of OnServerReconnectPlayer.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

class MyMigrationManager : NetworkMigrationManager { protected override void OnServerReconnectPlayer(NetworkConnection newConnection, GameObject oldPlayer, int oldConnectionId, short playerControllerId) { Debug.Log("Reconnecting oldPlayer:" + oldPlayer); ReconnectPlayerForConnection(newConnection, oldPlayer, oldConnectionId, playerControllerId); } }
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