Version: 2017.1


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public static GameObject FindValidUploadPrefabInstanceRoot (GameObject target);


target GameObject to process.


GameObject Return the root game object of the prefab asset.


Returns root game object of the prefab instance if that root prefab instance is a parent of the prefab.

A prefab internally consists of a Prefab object and the list of objects used for the prefab. The Prefab object has a pointer to the root game object and if the prefab is an instance then it also contains a pointer to the asset it was created from and a list of modifications done to the instance.

This works in the same way as PrefabUtility.FindRootGameObjectWithSameParentPrefab but it will return the root game object of the prefab asset. This is useful if you have a disconnected prefab instance object and you want to know the root game object of the prefab asset which it used to be connected to.

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