Version: 2017.2
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


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public bool ComputePointShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives (int activeLightIndex, CubemapFace cubemapFace, float fovBias, out Matrix4x4 viewMatrix, out Matrix4x4 projMatrix, out Experimental.Rendering.ShadowSplitData shadowSplitData);


activeLightIndex The index into the active light array.
cubemapFace The cubemap face to be rendered.
fovBias The amount by which to increase the camera FOV above 90 degrees.
viewMatrix The computed view matrix.
projMatrix The computed projection matrix.
shadowSplitData The computed split data.


bool If false, the shadow map for this light and cubemap face does not need to be rendered this frame.


Calculates the view and projection matrices and shadow split data for a point light.

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