Version: 2017.2


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public static Font CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont (string fontname, int size);
public static Font CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont (string[] fontnames, int size);


fontname @param name Имя созданного объекта типа Font.
size Материал, используемый для визуализации шрифта.
fontnames Am array of names of OS fonts to use for this font object. When rendering characters using this font object, the first font which is installed on the machine, which contains the requested character will be used.


Font @param name Имя созданного объекта типа Font.


Creates a Font object which lets you render a font installed on the user machine.

CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont creates a font object which references fonts from the OS. This lets you render text using any font installed on the user's machine. See GetOSInstalledFontNames for getting names of installed fonts at runtime, which can be used with this function.

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