Version: 2017.2


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public bool GetCharacterInfo (char ch, out characterInfo info, int size= 0, FontStyle style= FontStyle.Normal);


ch The character you need rendering information for.
info Returns the CharacterInfo struct with the rendering information for the character (if available).
size The size of the character (default value of zero will use font default size).
style Стиль символа.


Получить информацию о визуализации определенного символа.

Note: You should only ever need to use this when you want to implement your own text rendering. If the character ch with the specified size and style is present in the font texture, then this method will return true, and info will contain the texture placement information for that character. If the character is not present, this method returns false. If size is zero, it will use the default size for the font.

See Also: characterInfo. Example at RequestCharactersInTexture.

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