Version: 2017.2


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public GameObject ();
public GameObject (string name);
public GameObject (string name, params Type[] components);


name @param tag Имя тега для поиска GameObject'ов.
components A list of Components to add to the GameObject on creation.


Создает объект с именем name.

Transform is always added to the GameObject that is being created. The creation of a GameObject with no script arguments will add the Transform but nothing else. Similarly, the version with just a single string argument just adds this and the Transform. Finally, the third version allows the name to be specified but also components to be passed in as an array.

// Creates a game object named "Player" and
// adds a rigidbody and box collider to it.

using UnityEngine;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { GameObject player; player = new GameObject("Player"); player.AddComponent<Rigidbody>(); player.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); } }
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